Monday, 18 August 2008

Stepping Into The Gullibility Void

What's this!! No gullibility happening in the world at all, everyone is Olympicked Up, politicians like Musharraf are playing a straight bat. Nobody really thinks the Russians are going to leave Georgia completely.

I'm stuck. No one is trying to dupe anyone else any where on the planet, this has got to be first. The closest I've got is a Nepalese Head being sworn in as you can't be serious...just a head...on its own? That does need checking out.

Oh hang a moment...Jade Goody....yep Jade Goody...she might have just tripped the Gullible Alarm as she entered Indian Big Brother does she really think that this attempt at Impression Management is going to work for her?

Come back gullibility all is forgiven...I should know I signed up for Blogrush too

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